Luiseño School

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MTSS Framework

The Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is designed to address the academic, behavioral, and social-emotional needs of all students. The MTSS Collaborative was created in the summer of 2014 to implement the MTSS Framework district wide.

In the summer of 2014, teams representing 14 school sites from elementary to K-8s convened a task force to learn about MTSS as it relates to improving learning for all students. Over 100 teachers, parents, administrators, and community members participated in this hands-on experience. This led to formation of the MTSS Collaborative to guide LEUSD's implementation of the MTSS Framework district wide.

Mission Statement
Empowering all students to learn through systematic school-wide support through ongoing collaboration involving teachers, administrators, families, specialists, and community partners.

Partnering Agencies
The MTSS Framework is the foundation of a partnership between LEUSD and the following:
About the MTSS Framework
With the MTSS Framework, LEUSD is working to meet the needs of all learners through:
  1. Professional Learning Communities
  2. Leadership
  3. Empowering Culture
  4. Curriculum
  5. Universal Design for Learning/Instruction
  6. Assessments
  7. Supports and Resources
Video Resources:
A new video about the District's MTSS Framework process is now available in English, or with Spanish subtitles. Watch and hear testimonials from parents, teachers, and administrators about MTSS next steps.