Drill team Advisor Mrs. Snow and Mrs. Ashby (M/T 2:10pm - 2:40pm, MPR): Students in grades 5-8th grade learn dance moves and practice choreographed routines to perform in school and community events.
100 Mile Club Advisor Ms. Lindstrom (W 7:00am - 7:40am back field) : Open to grades 1 - 8 . Get some exercise by walking on the field. (permission slip required)
Gate Club Advisor Mrs. Halderman (Once a month 2:05pm -3:05pm, room 14) Open to students that are in GATE. Extra curricular activities to challange students.
Dungeons & Dragons Club Advisor Ms. Day (Thursdays 2:15pm - 3:15pm) : Open to students in the 6th - 8th grades. To learn how to play the classic RPG and enjoy collaborative storytelling.