Luiseño School

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Mrs. Kathryn Jones » 6th Grade English Language Arts

6th Grade English Language Arts

Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year!  You are now a 6th grade middle school student.  I hope you are excited for the year that we have planned for you.
Your entire course will be on Canvas.  Each day you will find what we do in class as well as your homework assignments and the due date. 
All handouts and links to class materials will be accessible through Canvas and/or Clever.
Bring to class:
1) Independent reading book
2) 3-Ring Binder (Section for ELA divided into Classwork / Homework)
3) Loose Lined paper
4) Pencils
5) Blue or Black Ink Pens
6) Highlighters
7) Glue Stick AND Elmer's School Glue
8) An Independent Reading Book


Infinite Campus Tip - Viewing Student Grades

If you are having trouble seeing your student's grade, try the following tip:

When you first log into the IC app, there's an option to "turn on" notifications for assignments, attendance, and grades.  If your notifications are set to "off," please turn on the notifications. You will then be able to view your student's assignment grades under the Assignment section of the app.

In addition, when you select Planner, and then select Language Arts, the Term Grade will show.

Thank you to the parent who helped with figuring this out!

Check student grade progress on Infinite Campus

Check student grade progress, missing assignments, attendance on Infinite Campus.  Use the same portal login you used for student registration.  Link to IC is below.